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Tildes Demographics Survey, 2024

As always, this is completely unofficial and not approved or run by @Deimos or his shadowy council of lizardpeople. (I know what you truly are, @cfabbro.)

All questions are completely optional. Most drop-down answer fields allow you to create new answers, so be sure to use that functionality if need be.

Data will only be released in aggregate to the public; full survey data may, at @TheMeerkat’s discretion, be shared privately with trusted members of the Tildes community (but not outside of it). If this happens, the trusted member(s) must also agree to not share the full data publicly.

The two binary options should be interpreted as “at least 50% of the time.”

Please leave blank if the answer is ‘no.’

Who you want to sleep with.

Who you want to date.

If you don’t know what this means, the answer is no; just leave it unchecked.

Biological, stepchildren, and/or adopted all count.

Disputed territories are included.

You can only select one option, which I understand does not necessarily reflect everyone’s experience. If you currently reside in more than one country, please choose your “primary” or “preferred” country of residence.

Working in the medical field has taught me that making this anything other than a freeform text box is pretty much worthless.

Please leave blank if you are not currently involved with any job.

Please be as succinct as possible (without losing detail).

There are ~7,000 extant languages in the world, so please forgive my not listing them.

Relative to your country, where would you place yourself on the socioeconomic “ladder”? 1 is significantly below the average, 3 is average, 5 is significantly above the average.


1 is not at all, 3 is somewhat, 5 is very actively.

Please rate your personal, subjective satisfaction with your current living situation.


Please leave blank if you do not wish to do so.

Some of you may have highly variable usage, in which case, just go with ~vibes~. Trust your heart, and it shall never lead you astray… or something.

Use banker’s rounding to the nearest whole number. 0 is a valid answer.

If you use more than one depending on device, please choose whichever you would consider your “primary” theme choice.

Remember: you can create new answers.


1 is wrong, 5 is right, 3 is an emphatic shrug of the shoulders.